General Settings

General settings allow you to control several system-wide functions, namely the default orientation of training certificates, the consolidation of course notifications to a single email, and designation of a primary contact for your organization.

Certificate Orientation

Select 'Landscape' or 'Portrait' orientation for certificates of completion.

Consolidate Course Notices

You can eliminate the possibility that trainees receive multiple course notifications in a single day (e.g. reminders, overdue notices, completion notices) by consolidating all notifications into a single message. To consolidate the messages into a single email select 'Yes'.

Course Code

Make the course code field on the course settings page optional or required..

Setup Primary Contact

The primary contact is most often the Training Administrator for your organization. This person will receive an email when a user clicks on the Need Assistance button at the bottom of each page.

  1. Click the Administration tab..
  2. Click the General Settings link.
  3. Enter the email address of the primary contact for your organization. To specify more than one contact, use a comma to separate the email addresses.
  4. Click the Update button.

Total Time

Make the total time field on the Add/Modify Training Completion Records page and Set Attendance page optional or required.