3 Ways to Use the Course Repository

If you're new to TrainCaster, or even if you're not so new, you may not think about using the Course Repository that is available to course managers. The repository is like a storage locker - where you put links or files that are relevant to your elearning course. You decide if you want to share the resources with trainees, or only with course managers. Here is a list to get you started.

3 Uses of the Repository

  1. Original course content. Make it a habit to put your course content files in the repository: PowerPoint, HTML, Word documents. Upload the files and when the time comes for the content to be updated, the original files will be in the repository for download. No scrambling to find the source file so you (or someone else) can make changes. You can even keep an audit trail of revisions: v1 is downloaded and modified; v2 (w/changes) is uploaded, and so on - ensuring that the most recent version of the course ready for download. It's also a great place to store a classroom presentation that is shared by all instructors - so each classroom training session uses the most recent version of the presentation materials.
  2. Add links to supplemental content and share them with trainees. Links can be to websites or your intranet. While trainees aren't required to click on these links to pass the course, they provide them with additional reference information that they can peruse at their leisure - maybe after training is complete.
  3. SOPs, FAQs, Procedures, Manuals. Upload these files to the repository to share with trainees. They have direct access to the repository via the training course, so they can download the files for future reference (or just go back to the course).

Final Thoughts

The course repository is a great way to store and/or share links and files with other course managers and trainees. This list is just a starting point. How do you use the repository?