Add a SCORM Course with a TrainCaster Quiz

You can easily create courses with SCORM content and a TrainCaster Quiz. Click here to watch a screencast, or follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the Course Manager tab.
  2. Click the Add New Course button. Enter the Course Name, Description and Active Setting (usually set to No until the course is completed). Scroll down and click Add Course.
  3. Click 'Add Web Training Task'. Here you will define your web-content using the following options:
    • Content Format: Select either SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004.
    • Can Fail Course. This setting lets you control whether or not a trainee can fail a course. If set to NO, a trainee MUST pass all required quizzes before progressing through the course.
    • No Credit Attempts. Controls whether or not a trainee can take the course for no credit. 
  4. Click the Import Button image17.gif to upload your SCORM Content.

Now you'll add the TrainCaster Quiz portion of the course. Note that this is added as a new objective.

  1. Click 'Add Course Objective'.
  2. Click 'Add Web Training Task'. Define the web-content as shown below:
    • Content Format: TrainCaster Layout 2, Sequential.
    • Can Fail Course. This setting lets you control whether or not a trainee can fail a course. If set to NO, a trainee MUST pass this quiz before completing this course. (which means they will continue to take the quiz until they pass it)
    • No Credit Attempts. If you want trainees to review the training content without getting credit for the course (perhaps as a refresher), select yes. If trainees can only see the content while taking the course, select no. Because this course will consist of only a quiz, I would recommend selecting no for this setting. 
  3. Click the Edit Content image18.gif button.
  4. Click 'add the first section'. Give the section a name, like Final Quiz.
  5. Click the section name. Select Add > Quiz from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the Quiz Name and the number of attempts a trainee has to pass the quiz: either unlimited attempts, or a specific number of attempts with a passing score percentage. Scroll down and click 'Add Quiz'.
  7. Click 'add the first question' and select the question type from the drop-down menu.

Continue adding quiz questions. When you're finished, your course is ready to go.