Adding and Grading Files Submitted by Trainees

If you need trainees to submit a document for review as a part of your course, (a Word document, for example) you can now include a file submission page in your course content. This page allows trainees to browse and upload a file for the instructor's review.

The instructor receives an email indicating a file is ready for grading. The instructor can include comments when grading. The comments can be optionally shared with the trainee.

Adding a file submission page

Create a course page that requires a user to upload a file for grading (a Word document, for example). When the file is submitted you are notified via email.

To add an essay question to your course:

  1. Click where you want to insert the essay on the main Edit Content page. Select "Add > File Submission Page" from the menu.  

  2. Enter instructions regarding the assignment. Click Add Page.

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Grading files

To grade the file and enter the grade and/or your comments in the database, do the following:

  1. When you receive an email that a file is awaiting manual grading, go to the main Edit Course page. Click the "more >>" tab on the far right and select "Grading" from the menu.

    Select the more>> tab
  2. Select the file you want to grade from the list.

  3. Set the score for the file, add comments... 
  4. And click "Commit Grade". Please note that the score cannot be changed once the training record is added.

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