Add PDFs to a Course

You can deliver PDF files as part of your course content. PDF's are best used when you have course content that is heavily formatted and HTML would be cumbersome to use.

When using PDF files as part of your training course, you may want to break up the content into separate pages. Although you could upload a single, large PDF file it would be difficult for trainees to manage the content - and they would have to review the entire document each time they resume the course.

NOTE: Trainees with iOS devices will not be able to scroll through the PDF content due to a limitation of the browser. Please see below to enable PDF download for iOS users.

To add a PDF to your course (not including iOS devices):

  1. In the Manage Content area of the page, click Edit Content.
  2. Click the section or page name where you want to add the PDF content. Choose Add > Page from the menu.
  3. Type a page title.
  4. Click the PDF icon template_img.png on the editor toolbar.
  5. Scroll down and click Browse to find the PDF file on your computer.
  6. Click Add Page on the bottom right of the screen.

To enable PDF download for all devices (including iOS device users):

  1. In the Manage Content area of the page, click Edit Content.
  2. Click the section or page name where you want to add the PDF content. Choose Add > Page from the menu.
  3. Type a page title.
  4. Type something like 'Click here to download the PDF if you are unable to scroll through the entire document.'
  5. Highlight 'Click here'. Then click the hyperlink tool on the toolbar.

  6. Select <other> from the Protocol dropdown and enter the name of your PDF file in the URL box. This is the same PDF file that you will embed in the next step, so you only have to upload the document one time.

  7. Click OK then click Update Page on the bottom right of the screen.